

MIEL // Por email me llega el comentario de que Miranda quiere hot cakes. La pequeña principesca ordena, papá baja la cabeza, obedece. Ahí va. A comprar la miel, esa que le gusta. Esa marca rara que sólo venden en un lugar. Luego la preparación es importante. La receta de papá (no se comparte). Hot cakes 'a la papá'. Sí, le gustan. ¿Te gustaron tus hot cakes Miranda? La sonrisa en su cara, es una que dice sí. Sus ojos brillan con un destello que no tiene precio. Todos esos momentos de capricho y berrinche, ¿dónde están?

MAPLE SYRUP // I get an email where Miranda says she wants hot cakes for supper. When the little princess talks, papa listens. Papa lowers his head in submission, he obeys. There he goes, to buy the syrup that she likes. That rare brand that they sell in only one place. Then, the cooking part is important. Daddy's recipe for hot cakes (one that he does not share, sorry). Did you like your hot cakes Miranda? The smile in her face is one that says yes. A certain sparkle that is priceless. Now, all those moments of whim and temper, where are they?

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