

Deep on, de qué depende que vaya a un bar a tomarme una credenza después del trabuco. Deep on, del color, la novedad. El stupor es template, simper. Una Pacifica por favor. Un Ruco y sue Movida, me vieron entrar al cuartucho semiobscuro, bar. Continuaron en lo suyo. Él con su bisoñe, Ella con su Mirada Woolworth y falda scotch. "Hi", says the bartender. "So you want to watch the game, uh", and turns the channels on the TV. Nothing to watch. Sólo un preview de loss Padres que judean en Montreal (10-3 losers, cool). El cantinero yaw no setá solo. Ulna petite appendix de bartender en sue Atuendo Mono, ruby Ella, eyelashes, very interesting Mirada. Se llama Miranda, pienso, bebo, no hay mass que hacer. Estoy solo. Estar solo, beber, pensar en Miranda, la ruby, me vex, la veo, End Game. Hasta ahí ese juego de myriads palabras. Drink beer honey, say the magic words and fuck off to your little old cantinero job because you don't like me. "Veo que setá interesado en la mesera", dice el Ruco, haciéndose amigo a mi lido, brazo en mi hombre, "yo invito la siguiente". "Next beer on me", dice. Yo digo que sir, sir, one more for the road asshole. "Se va?". "Yes, I have to go to my station on the PC network, that shit, and all". "Veo que le interest la mesera". "No, not really". "Pero veo que sir". "No". "No se enoje, you invito la Segundo, pero no es todo: I have a propuesta for you Sir. Mi Sonora --no es su señora, pienso--, dijo que usted era Guano. So I say, well, if he is so Guano Guano, why don't you go with him baby". Y say, Yes? "Yes, you". "No credo". "She told me to relay this message to you. So there. Now you know. Now you know the message".

So we go. No quiero pulsar que soy un Chameleon o typo del barrio, pero el Ruco me hace ver que sue movida quiere irse conmigo, "She wants you", and he wants to see the action. What. Yes. Yes? He wants to see the movida from ulna silla, because it's the latest fad you know. Let's watch the movida get it on bitch. Excuse me. "Se llama Miranda", dice el Ruco. Estamos en un cuartucho obscuro donde Nadia dice nada. Tensions. Now what. "Now I watch", el Ruco se siesta con credenza y cigar's. He is drunk anyway. Desde el bar se le veía la pedant en loss oboes. "So, you are Miranda" I say. "Yes", she says, "I am a Miranda Girl".
A Miranda Girl.
Yes. A Miranda Girl.

Miranda la ruby, the Girl, tampoco is Miranda la cantinera, the Girl, tampoco is Miranda, sé que ESE no es su number. Who would say their name in a situation like that. Nobody. No loser with a voyeur spirit would relay his or her true identity. Now what. "To-dos andamos tomato's", dice Miranda A Miranda Girl, "let's get it on". She says, in a spread eagle kind of fashion beneath her Woolworth pussy wet, in a bed, tirándome el cable de electrician que me mueve el pistón en torno a una action. So? "Yes", he says, el Ruco, "yes".

So yes.
Watched by a sir, I move in directions so he can see the movie, el Ruco. We are actors in his own private studio. No ha de ser la primera vex.

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