
A veces, cuando no se sabe qué escribir en una bitácora de Internet, el autor cita textos de otros. A veces una foto es el motivo para llenar el espacio en blanco de la página-post del día (o una linda canción). Lo hago porque quiero compartir estos hallazgos con otros, dice el autor de la bitácora, quiero compartir cuestiones que a mí me llegaron al alma.

Of course, I don’t master the English language as well as Spanish, so it may result in a bad experiment for me to write in English.

Just the same way I had to look for work in the USA, because of lesser opportunities in Mexico, I may have to look for readers in English.

The Internet is inundated with average readers who don’t give a shit about literature. They prefer the trivial pursuits of some horny and lonely housewife. This is a very strong example of the average mindset of people. They have very mundane existences, and they need to be distracted by the diaries (weblogs) of other people. The more sexual content, the better. Obviously, the best weblogs are those of lonely women. They become the targets of attention from perverts and sexual fiends looking for a lonely housewife to publish some picture of herself in a bra. That’s the reality of culture these days. Literature is some old boring habit some people do because they are depressed, and they need to express their feelings. Literature is serious shit.

I have been writing this weblog for two years and a half now, and what do I have to show for it. Basically, my reader base has decreased. The majority of the hits this weblog gets daily are from SPAM. It is kind of discouraging to say the least. Somehow, one has to think that what one writes increases popularity over time, but when you see that the number of daily hits over two years is about the same, you kind of wonder about the importance of one's writing, and it's transcendence on the reader. Maybe it gets overrated in one's mind.

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