

Big Time Sensibility Butt

Hot Petate Action. Pon pon pon. Ball of a woman en La Ciudad del Polvo. Her car had broke down. She needed help. I needed sex. She had a Big Time Sensibility Butt. Tengo que hablar a mi trabajo, said she, para avisar que llegaré tarde. I said, Ok, here is my cell phone, be my guest. The Hot Petate dialed some local number and put the cell in her ear, while she managed to convey a wondering look. Her big plump breasts stood out like wild fire, pon pon pon, up to here, you know. Very corriente la Petate, taking those blouses to work? Her face maintained a worrisome attitude. Nobody answers, she said, nadie. Te llevaré a un taller mecánico, le dije, para que arreglen tu carro. It was a good opportunity, I thought, for us to be friends, you know. It turned out her boss was her lover, and he was not a happy about it, me hanging around his Hot Petate. I should have said if she is your Hot Petate, why does she drive a frigging clunker, fucking asshole, you being a big shot and all. I mean, after banging a Petate like that, at least buy her a car.

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