Family gatherings bore the hell out of him. He was right, obviously. He had been to several meetings and always got the short end of the stick. He never liked the sisters-in-law. Some of them were always crabby and stuck up, with a very bitchy mean streak.
There was a weird ass accident just before crossing the border to Tijuana. Some crazy nut speeding on his motorcycle was running away from the cops. The cops had the angle on him, but the fucker got smart and angled trough the oncoming traffic, risking his life and that of others. He then lost control of his motorcycle and hit the fucking concrete wall like a puppet. Friggin mess. A cloud of dust, he and his motorcycle just twisting like crazy, then nothing. He just lay there, like a puppet, trying to gain control of his senses. He was out of it. His mind just shooting straight ahead, lost in the limbo. Very traumatic scene. I almost puked right there.
Fiction is better than reality. Everyday reality is boring. It’s mundane. Fiction gathers all that is not there, and makes it there. Fiction gives you an alternative.
Por qué escribes. Sí, por eso. Porque no puedes parar.
Durante el tiempo que estudié en Guanajuato, me tocó escuchar la historia de un cuarto de hotel. Se trataba de una habitación muy sencilla, de un hotel antiguo, donde había un closet o armario. Que una mujer se aparecía en la madrugada. Que las puertas del closet se abrían y se veían las piernas de una mujer trepando entre la ropa. Sólo se veían las piernas. Piernas largas, en medias.
Dato curioso: comparto la misma fecha de nupcias que el periodista de Frontera, Daniel Salinas.
Cada vez que hablo con una persona acerca de la trascendencia de las bitácoras en línea, y esa persona es escritora, y esa persona se muestra renuente, me sirve de motivación para continuar la faena. Nada más excelente que el escepticismo de la rigidez intelectual, la forma cuadrada que la academia engendra, para motivar y seguir adelante.
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